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Fedor Ivankov
Fedor Ivankov

Lost Sphear

@River3636 Couldn't agree more, setsuna was a total snooze fest. This is definitely more of the same. For somethign that claimed to be inspired by chrono trigger (Setsuna and by extension lost sphear)... it comes across uninspired in general.

Lost Sphear

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LOST SPHEAR imagines a world in which people and places are fading into a white fog -- becoming "lost" -- with potential to disappear completely and permanently. Players take control of a young hero, a parentless boy named Kanata, who has the ability to find and restore things that are lost by using memory stones he collects by defeating monsters terrorizing people. With help from friends, he journeys around the world in an effort to understand what's happening and restore what's missing. Along the way, he meets new allies and uncovers secret plots within the military that's supposed to be protecting people, and is forced to make some hard decisions in order to do what he believes is right. His adventure involves investigating towns, talking to non-player characters, exploring labyrinthine dungeons, and getting into fights with monsters. Battles are turn-based, but characters move in real time and can be strategically positioned to damage multiple foes with a single attack. As the game progresses, the main characters earn more powerful skills and countermoves, as well as special armor called "vulcosuits," which make them much more formidable in battle and provide abilities that let them access new areas while exploring dungeons.

The adventure of LOST SPHEAR begins in a remote town where a young boy, Kanata, awakens from a devastating dream to find his hometown disappearing. To stop the world from being lost forever, Kanata and his comrades set out to rebuild the world around them with the power of Memory by manifesting thoughts into matter.

The second game from Tokyo RPG Factory, Lost Sphear promises a return to the "golden age" of RPGs while still improving on the criticisms of I Am Setsuna. Channeling elements of Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and SNES-era Final Fantasy games sounds good on paper, but what of the execution? Director Atsushi Hashimoto returns, as does much of the staff for their second outing. Many complaints levied at I Am Setsuna concerned imbalanced combat, as well as a misuse of its art direction. With these issues in mind, does Lost Sphear rectify those mistakes, or should it have stayed lost?

It's a shame, because Lost Sphear sets up a great premise. The world of Gaiterra is wracked by a strange phenomenon where parts of the world turn white and fade away. Kanata, after watching his hometown vanish, uses the power of memories to restore the "lost" places and people. It's a great setup that could make for a strong game, but the story quickly wastes its unique premise. Never content to dwell on anything, Lost Sphear races through its story at an alarming speed. Dungeons, bosses, and story sections all take a matter of minutes. Due to the heavy-handed use of foreshadowing, nothing is ultimately surprising in Lost Sphear, either. If a plot twist wasn't foreshadowed, it was borrowed from another, better game. Only during the final chapters does Lost Sphear slow down, but unfortunately, it's far too little, too late.

A young man, who suffered a phenomenon that he had never seen, faces an ominous power that threatens the fabric of reality. Awaken the power of Memory to restore what was lost! Muster different Memory and craft the world around you in a journey to save the world.

The bulk of Lost Sphear's story centers around the idea that people, places, and things can eventually become "lost" due to fading memories. As might be expected, the game opens just before bits and pieces of the realm start disappearing by being enveloped in a dense white fog. Protagonist Kanata soon realizes that he has the power to use memories to restore things that have become lost, and before long, he and his ragtag group of childhood friends are setting out on a mission to restore the world.

A young man, who suffered a phenomenon that he had never seen, faces an ominous power that threatens the fabric of reality. Awaken the power of Memory to restore what was lost! Pre-order today and receive two SQUARE ENIX store exclusive soundtracks by composer Tomoki Miyoshi!

The game revolves around memories, which shape the entire world. When someone or something is forgotten, the person, place, or thing fades from existence as if it had never been. When the hero, Kanata, learns he has the power to bring back forgotten things, he and his friends are tasked with restoring the lost world and stopping whatever causes things to disappear.

  • This game contains examples of: Action Bomb: Some monsters attack mainly through blowing themselves up.

  • And the Adventure Continues: Regardless of which ending you get, Kanata travels the world to restore everything that was forgotten.

  • Astral Finale: The final boss fight takes place on the moon.

  • Bittersweet Ending: Both endings are this, though one is decidedly more bitter. In one, Lumina sacrifices herself to save the world, leaving Kanata alone. In the other, Lumina doesn't sacrifice herself, but the moon will eventually collapse and destroy everyone.

  • Doomed Hometown: Two for the price of one! The opening cutscene shows a king whose kingdom vanishes, and shortly after, Kanata's entire hometown vanishes.

  • Fading Away: Once something is completely forgotten, it vanishes from existence. Kanata can somehow reverse these effects.

  • Fake-Out Fade-Out: Borders on being an exaggerated example. The game does fade to white and plays the credits in full, then takes you back to the main menu. The only way to realize the story is not over when you reload your save after the "final" credits roll. You are not given any prompt to do this, making it very easy to miss that there is more to campaign. This is only somewhat mitigated by the fact that the pause menu's story progress stat is only near 70% when you face what appears to be the final boss.

  • Fetch Quest: Plenty of these are present during the game's latter half, when you backtrack to the once-explored areas.

  • "Groundhog Day" Loop: The subplot of one town. The party discovers it when no progress is made by the next day on a bridge they need to cross.

  • Last-Second Ending Choice: Which ending you get is dependent on your choice after you beat the final boss.

  • Lunacy: The moon is said to have created the world, and plays an important role in the story as a whole. It's also the setting of the final boss fight and catalyst for the ending.

  • Men Are the Expendable Gender: Every soldier in the Imperial army, minus a few high ranking officials who have an active role in the plot, has the same appearance - a generic, young male design. This trope is especially notable when the heroes are against the army. Although one can make the case the heroes are just simply defending themselves, the fact remains that Premier Zemrode only ever holds a grudge against them for daring to go against the empire's plans to combat the "lost" phenomenon, an act he views as treason. The number of soldiers that the party may have gone to blows with is never once referenced, which is especially puzzling once Commander Galdra joins the party. However, a recurring trio of soldiers implies that the heroes do not fatally slay the soldiers at least and may merely deal enough damage to force them to retreat.

  • Multiple Endings: Depending on the choice you make after the final boss, the ending changes.

  • One-Hit Kill: Some of the late-game enemies possess such attacks, including the Final Boss.

  • Samus Is a Girl: Commander Galdra turns out to be a woman.

  • The Empire: The main country of the game is called The Imperial Empire and is a straightforward example. The Imperial Army is is their military as well as their police force, with soldiers acting as guards whenever needed. They are not afraid to conquer smaller populations if they believe it is in their best interests.

  • Traversible World Map: Played straight. It also features no Random Encounters.

  • Your Days Are Numbered: The ending where Lumina lives ends with the knowledge that eventually everyone will be doomed when the moon collapses.

Set in a world where objects, people and whole cities are mysteriously vanishing, the game follows Kanata \\u2014 a young man who, of course, finds he has the power to restore these lost items by collecting memories \\u2014 and a rag tag party of children, monsters and soldiers he collects along the way. Through forests, mountains and industrial cities they unravel a lunar mystery and save the world, hitting many beats along the way that warmed my heart with feelings very close to those provoked by SNES and PS1 favourites.

Essentially a game of two halves, your time in Lost Sphear is split between exploring towns and cities to restore the 'lost' people and places, and battling monsters in dungeons and forests, as per your average role-playing adventure. For the former, you'll make your way through the game's strongly guided story, as you hunt down memories strong enough for Kanata to use to recover the 'lost' places from the white mist. Sometimes dropped in battle, sometimes found in and around town, these memories form solid crystal-like balls you can collect, and each person, place or item that's gone AWOL requires a certain number of certain types of memory crystals to rebuild. Sometimes, you'll need to talk to nearby characters with particularly strong attachments to the missing things, and create the memory crystals yourself, by holding down the corresponding button when a blue highlighted phrase appears. 041b061a72


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